Tartu Ülikooli spordihoone

Võimla is starting the new season and moving to a new location!

Autor: Kristel 0

We are starting our 17th season in September and welcome everyone to our training sessions, offering classes for BJJ and MMA.

This autumn we are moving our facilities to the Sports Hall of Tartu University (located in Ujula 4, Tartu). The new gym includes more mat space, better ventilation and improved conditions for showering. The new training schedule is available on our website and the first training will take place September 1 at 18:15.

Regarding our basic courses the evening groups were filled in a matter of days but there are vacancies for our daily course that takes place three times a week and makes training possible for people that are too busy during the evenings.

Our training schedule has changed somewhat due to the move and can be found here. If you want to come and visit us please contact us beforehand so we can sort out all the necessary details.

Hopefully we’ll see you all on the mats in September!

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Võimla BJJ MMA Tartu Estonia

Tartu Fightsport Gym VÕIMLA is the first ever BJJ and MMA gym in Estonia. We train brasilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) and mixed martial arts (MMA); classes for all levels.


Join us!

  Tartu Fightsport Gym VÕIMLA
    Tartu, Estonia