Brasiilia jiu-jitsu spordiklubis Võimla

Trainings on special regime

Autor: Mari 0

Võimla will switch to a special training regime starting from 30.11.2020, which will be in accordance with the new regulations of the city of Tartu.

The most important things:

  1. Võimla will continue providing training opportunities as long as it is possible according to the regulations effective in the Republic of Estonia, the city of Tartu and the University of Tartu Academic Sports Club.
  2. Keep yourself and your close ones safe! If you sense that coming to the classes is too risky for you or your close ones at the moment – do let us know! We will put your membership fee on hold and welcome you back once the situation has eased up.
  3. If you decide to continue training the following must be considered:
    • Do not come to the class if you have even the slightest symptoms or there is a possibility that you have been in contact with someone who is infected. Slightly stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, fever etc – let’s keep all that off the mats!
    • You have to wear a mask in the common areas of the sports hall – from the moment you step through the front door until you’ve reached the mats. Also let’s try to use the common rooms as little as possible.
    • There will be 10 people (+ the instructor) attending one training class. Everyone must register beforehand. If you are not registered you are not allowed on the mat.
    • We will divide the mat into two so that we can have two groups training simultaneously without making any contact to each other:
      • The front side is the one closer to the entrance and the mirrors. The back side is the other one. There will be a 3 meter buffer zone between the two sides separated by lines.
      • On arrival tell the administrator whether you’ll be joining the front or back side group.
      • People have to remain on their side of the mat for the whole duration of the class.
      • Pay attention to which group you register and act accordingly. You can train in only one group during one day.

Registration information:

For the time being there will be a Google Sheets page for every week. Only sign up if you are certain that you can definitely attend the class! The registration for the upcoming week will be opened every Sunday. You can sign up until the group is full or the class starts.

We have sent information about the registration form to all our members via e-mail. If you have not received it but would like to join the classes then write to us or here.

Stay safe and we’ll see you on the mats – whether now or maybe a bit later!

Samal teemal:

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Võimla BJJ MMA Tartu Estonia

Tartu Fightsport Gym VÕIMLA is the first ever BJJ and MMA gym in Estonia. We train brasilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) and mixed martial arts (MMA); classes for all levels.


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  Tartu Fightsport Gym VÕIMLA
    Tartu, Estonia