
A special summer in Võimla 

Autor: Mari 0

National state of emergency is currently over and we are looking forward to seeing you on the mats again! Considering the health of all our members we are taking a cautious approach to restarting training. 

In June 2020 all training will take place in three separate groups that have no contact with one another: daytime BJJ, evening BJJ and evening MMA. Participation in training is only possible by pre-registering to a group of your choice and submitting a signed health statement. If you have not received any info about the registrations or you would like to clarify anything, don’t hesitate to contact us! 

To minimize contact in dressing rooms we ask you to shower at home if possible and to wear your gym clothes when you come to training. 

Naturally we ask you to not come to training when you feel sick or show any symptoms of not being healthy! It is also important to inform us immediately if you or any of your contacts are diagnosed with the coronavirus. 

We’ll keep a close eye on the situation and change the rules if and when necessary. The current registration system will be renewed at least every other week. The newest information can be found on our social media accounts and email list.

If you are thinking of visiting us and joining some of our classes – please contact us beforehand so we could discuss whether it is possible at that time or not. 

This summer is special in another aspect: for the first time ever all our classes will take place in Salme 1a building.

See you on the mats!

Samal teemal:

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Võimla BJJ MMA Tartu Estonia

Tartu Fightsport Gym VÕIMLA is the first ever BJJ and MMA gym in Estonia. We train brasilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) and mixed martial arts (MMA); classes for all levels.


Join us!

  Tartu Fightsport Gym VÕIMLA
    Tartu, Estonia